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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

News & Events

New Resources in Preparation for the PMF Class of 2020 Application

Posted on Sep 24 2019 - 11:30

In advance of the PMF Class of 2020 Application, the PMF Program added a number of resources for potential applicants and academia. These new resources may be useful to a variety of our stakeholders, including prospective applicants, academia, and Fellows/PMF Alumni who are helping spread the word about the program and our application process.

The new resources include:

  • Participant Timeline…from Start to Finish:  Illustrates the typical timeline a participant would follow in navigating through the PMF Program.
  • PMF Application Timeline:  Illustrates the timeline and steps from applying to the PMF Program to selection of Finalists to finding a PMF appointment.
  • PMF Fellowship Timeline:  Illustrates the timeline and steps Fellows follow from onboarding to their PMF position to graduation.
  • PMF Application Common Mistakes:  Identifies the Top 3 common mistakes applicants make when applying to the PMF Program.
  • PMF Program “Myths vs Facts”:  Illustrates common myths and facts about the PMF Program.
  • Where PMFs Are Hired:  Illustrates where in the United States most Finalists are appointed to as PMFs.
  • 2020 PMF Presentation for Academic Institutions:  This is a general presentation for academia to use when hosting informational webinars for their students interested in applying to the PMF Program.
  • We have also added tips to the Academia\Advising Students section on this website.

The above resources can be found under the Become a PMF\Resources and Academia\Resources sections on this website.

We hope you find them helpful! As always, please reach out to with any questions related to the application or these resources, and we would appreciate any feedback.  Thank you!