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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

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Finalists have an eligibility period of 12 months to obtain a PMF appointment. That period begins on the day that Finalists are announced. This means the Finalist must have either applied for a PMF position, accepted a PMF appointment offer, or started a PMF appointment by the appointment eligibility deadline. See below for additional information regarding appointment eligibility extensions.

To be eligible for placement as a Fellow with a participating Federal agency, Finalists must minimally:

  • Complete all advanced degree requirements by August 31st of the year following the application period, and before starting a PMF position;
  • Meet the qualifications of the PMF position; and
  • Complete any background investigation required by the hiring agency.

If a Finalist does not complete their advanced degree requirements on or before August 31st, he/she will be ineligible for placement as a PMF and will lose their appointment eligibility as a Finalist. Additional information about meeting degree requirements can be found under the Preparations webpage.

When a Finalist accepts a PMF appointment offer, the appointing agency's Human Resources Office is responsible for validating a Finalists' transcript to ensure all degree requirements have been met before the Finalist can physically start their appointment as a PMF; this is part of the onboarding process. Please review the "Transcripts" section under the Application Tips webpage that talks about undergraduate degree transcripts and how they may be used to determine a Finalist's experience and qualifications for a PMF position.

As a reminder, eligibility for a PMF appointment will end 12 months from the date that Finalists are officially announced. The PMF Program does not allow for extensions/deferrals when a Finalist does not complete the degree requirements (including the successful completion/defense of any required thesis/dissertation) by the deadline.

A Finalist with a master's degree would typically meet the minimum qualifications for a GS-09 (or equivalent) position and a Finalist with a professional or doctorate degree would typically meet the minimum qualifications of a GS-11 (or equivalent) position. Qualifications are based on education, experience, or a combination of those two factors, and any other qualifications determined by the agency. Such determination is based by the hiring agency and Finalists should direct any questions regarding qualifications and grade level with the Human Resources Specialist for the agency recruiting for the position.

Information about pay and promotions can be found under the Compensation webpage (including salary tables).

Throughout the appointment eligibility period, we will send broadcast emails to all current Finalists to check their status and ensure our records are up to date. The Finalists' Status Email will ask if they: (1) have accepted a tentative PMF appointment offer from an agency, (2) have already accepted a PMF appointment and physically on-boarded with the appointing agency, or (3) withdrawing from further consideration. The status email will also contain reminders about the appointment eligibility period and deadline, meeting degree requirements for those Finalists who are current graduates, and any other relevant program updates.

Appointment Eligibility Extensions

Agency PMF Coordinators may request an appointment eligibility extension when a Finalist has either (1) been made a tentative PMF appointment offer AND accepted the offer but cannot onboard as a PMF by the applicable appointment eligibility deadline (most frequently due to on-going background check/security clearance), or (2) applied for an advertised PMF appointment opportunity and the agency has not yet conducted interviews and/or made tentative job offers prior to the appointment eligibility period deadline.

The extension will remain valid until (1) the Finalist has onboarded onto their appointed position, (2) the hiring agency rescinds the job offer to the Finalist, (3) the Finalist declines the appointment offer, or (4) the hiring agency closes the job announcement without filling the position.

Such requests must be submitted from the Agency PMF Coordinator of the appointing agency in the PMF TMS (Talent Management System). If approved, the PMF TMS will record the approval as part of the Finalist’s records and send an automated email to the Finalist and to the requesting coordinator. Finalists can have more than one approved extension; however, as soon as the Finalist is recorded as being appointed (after accepting a tentative or final appointment offer) in the PMF TMS, the system will instantly void any other approved requests and notify all parties.

The Agency PMF Coordinator is responsible for submitting requests and keeping all parties informed on the status.

A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on this topic for Finalists appears under the FAQs webpage and for agencies under the Agencies/FAQs webpage.

NOTE:  Prior to being integrated into the PMF TMS, an OPM Form 1305, PMF Appointment Eligibility Extension Request Form, was used by Agency PMF Coordinators, but is now obsolete. Agency PMF Coordinators must submit requests through the PMF TMS.

Withdraw from Further Consideration

Finalists can withdraw from further consideration anytime during their 12 months of appointment eligibility by logging into their applicant user account on the Apply Site.

Some Finalists withdraw for a variety of reasons, such as: (1) will not complete their qualifying advanced degree requirements (including the successful defense/completion of any required thesis/dissertation) by the deadline, (2) wish to pursue higher education, (3) obtained employment elsewhere, or (4) for personal reasons.

Such Finalists are asked to submit their withdrawal timely in order for our records to be updated and inform agencies when no longer pursuing a PMF appointment.

Visit the next section to view information on Securing an Appointment.

UPDATED:  03-20-2023