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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

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PMF Honorary Awards

NOTICE:  On February 19, the White House issued an Executive Order, Commencing the Reduction of the Federal Government, which directs the termination of the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program.  PMF Program shutdown activities are underway including cancellation of previously scheduled events, including the PMF Honorary Awards for 2025. The PMF TMS (Talent Management System) will be decommissioned after Friday, March 21, 2025.

The PMF Honorary Awards Program was established to recognize past and present Federal public servants who have been instrumental to the enduring success of the PMF Program. The honorees include Chief/Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs), Agency PMF Coordinators, Hiring Managers/Supervisors, PMF Alumni, PMFs, and Coaches/Mentors. These awards were conferred for the first time in 2018 as part of the PMF 40th Anniversary Celebration, and the ceremony has continued on an annual basis since. The awards program is sponsored by OPM and the PMF Program Office. Not all categories receive nominations year to year.

See list of awardees from prior years under the "Resources" section below.

PMF Honorary Awards for 2024

The PMF Honorary Awards Ceremony for 2024 was held at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, in Alexandria, VA, on Friday, June 14, 2024, at 2pm (ET). The PMF Honorary Awards Ceremony and PMF Class of 2021 Graduation will be celebrated together as a combined event.


(All deadlines are based on Eastern Time)

NOTE: The dates below are approximate and subject to change. Please check frequently for any updates.

Date Description
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Nominations open and "Save the Date" sent out

Friday, March 29, 2024

Nominations close

mid-May 2024

Recipients of the PMF Honorary Awards for 2024 announced

Friday, June 14, 2024

PMF Honorary Awards Ceremony for 2024

Award Categories

There are seven award categories, and the criteria for each appears below:

1 - Excellence in Service

The criteria for this award are as follows: 

  • Demonstrates exceptional dedication to the PMF Program that impacted the success of the PMF Program
  • Delivers outstanding customer service or performed outstanding operational activities that enabled an overall positive PMF experience
  • Serves as a model for others to emulate
  • Performs at a level substantially beyond that which would normally be expected in their role

2 - Excellence in Leadership

 The criteria for this award are as follows:

  • Demonstrates exemplary leadership qualities
  • Commits to successfully achieving organizational objectives and mission goals
  • Leads by superior example and helps create an environment of high productivity and cooperation that impacted the success of the PMF Program
  • Mentors, coaches, or helps develop others

3 - Agency PMF Coordinator of the Year

Nominees for this award will consist of current or former Agency PMF Coordinators. The nominations for this award must demonstrate or speak to how the nominee:

  • Delivered services that were responsive to PMFs’ needs and provided a high degree of value in a way that impacted the success of the PMF Program
  • Used creative approaches to an exceptional degree that resulted in superior service to the PMF community
  • Came up with effective strategies and methods that allowed for onboarding processes for PMFs at their agency ran smoothly; Achieved results effectively
  • Has been an effective user of the PMF Talent Management System to recruit, appoint, and support PMFs within their agency

4 - Chief/Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer of the Year

Nominees for this award will consist of current or former Chief Human Capital Officers or Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers. The nominations for this award must demonstrate or speak to how the nominee:

  • Championed the PMF Program/promoted the PMF Program across their agency
  • Enabled the PMF Program to fill its objectives at the nominee’s agency
  • Provided recruitment and staffing strategies to Hiring Managers
  • Overcame obstacles to use the PMF Program to help achieve organizational objectives

5 - Presidential Management Fellows Alumni of the Year

Nominees for this award will consist of PMF Alumni. Nominations for this award must demonstrate or speak to how the nominee during their time as a Federal employee:

  • Built strong coalitions beyond the PMF community in a way that directly impacted the success of the PMF Program
  • Mentored and supported other PMFs that directly impacted their success in the PMF Program
  • Demonstrated strong belief in the PMF Program in their agency and worked to improve or enhance the PMF experience at their agency
  • Advocated for the PMF Program in their agency

6 - Supervisor/Hiring Manager of the Year

Nominees for this award will consist of current or former Supervisors or Hiring Managers who have recruited and/or supervised PMFs. The nominations for this award must demonstrate or speak to how the nominee:

  • Demonstrated strategic leadership in managing incoming PMFs that impacted the success of the PMF Program at the nominee’s agency
  • Fostered an environment of professional development
  • Demonstrated innovation leading to positive change in the recruitment and placement of PMFs on behalf of the nominee’s agency
  • Demonstrated a commitment to cultivating a diverse and talented workforce
  • Developed and challenged staff toward goals, and created a culture that motivated PMFs for high performance

7- Coach/Mentor of the Year

Nominees for this award will consist of current or former Federal Coaches that coach Fellows in the PMF Leadership Development Program or Official Mentors of PMFs (each PMF is required to have a mentor during their fellowship). The nominations for this award must demonstrate or speak to how the nominee:

  • Demonstrated strong commitment to the development of PMFs that impacted the success of the PMF Program
  • Provided a lasting impact on PMFs; acted as someone from whom PMFs could learn important lessons
  • Demonstrated strong knowledge sharing whereby PMFs were able to enhance their own experience through their time working with either coaches or mentors

Nomination and Selection Process

Nominations open approximately three months prior to the awards ceremony. All nominations will be accepted online via an electronic survey form for review by the Awards Selection Committee. Self-nominations are eligible (keep in mind that testimonials from others for self-nominations are desirable). There is no limit on the number of nominations that can be submitted. For nominations to be accepted, all nominees must submit a self-certification (see form below under Resources).

All nominations are reviewed and rated by the Awards Selection Committee, which consists of senior leadership across the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). During the review process, the names and agencies of nominees are redacted in the interest of fairness. Honorees are selected by the committee and announced on the PMF website. The Awards Selection Committee may also designate Honorable Mentions as they see fit. These individuals (i.e., Honorees and Honorable Mentions) are personally notified prior to the ceremony so they can arrange to be in attendance along with guests.

NOTE: If there are no nominees in a given category that meet the selection criteria, the Awards Selection Committee may opt not to select an Honoree for that category.


Document Description File Type
PMF Honorary Awards Self-Certification Form (for Nominees) For nominations to be accepted, all nominees must submit this self-certification form. Once completed, this form should be sent to This is a fillable Adobe (.pdf) file. Form will be active when the next nomination cycle opens. Adobe Acrobat Version [KB]
PMF Honorary Awards Nomination Link Nominations can be submitted via this link when the next nominations cycle opens. icon_link
PMF Honorary Awards for 2018 (the Inaugural Ceremony) List of honorees for 2018. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 03/04/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [177 KB]
PMF Honorary Awards for 2019 List of honorees for 2019. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 03/04/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [176 KB]
PMF Honorary Awards for 2020 List of honorees for 2020. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 03/04/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [178 KB]
PMF Honorary Awards for 2021 List of honorees for 2021. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 03/04/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [175 KB]
PMF Honorary Awards for 2022 List of honorees for 2022. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 03/04/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [176 KB]
PMF Honorary Awards for 2023 List of honorees for 2023. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 03/04/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [170 KB]
PMF Honorary Awards for 2024 List of honorees for 2024. This is an Adobe (.pdf) file and posted on 05/14/2024. Adobe Acrobat Version [294 KB]

UPDATED:  03-20-2025