Frequently Asked Questions
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- Our school holds career fairs, information sessions, etc. Can someone from the PMF Program Office come speak about the program?
- How can I be kept informed of new developments in the PMF Program?
- Can colleges and universities post the PMF application on their job sites?
- Which degree/disciplines will be most relevant or required?
- When is the application period?
- Who is eligible to apply?
- Are current Finalists eligible to compete for the next PMF application cycle?
- Are there opportunities for recent law graduates?
- What documents are required for the PMF application?
- Where can I find a general overview, application instructions, the timeline, and tips for our students?
- How will the timeline and application requirements differ from previous years?
- What will be the components of the assessment process?
- Are there materials provided to students to prepare them for the application and assessment process?
- Will OPM provide information about the total number of applicants and names of Finalists?
- How do Finalists learn about possible Federal agency PMF appointment opportunities? Where are the positions located?
- What efforts has the PMF Program taken towards enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility?
- How would a lapse in funding (shutdown furlough) impact the PMF Program?
1. Our school holds career fairs, information sessions, etc. Can someone from the PMF Program Office come speak about the program?
The PMF Program Office receives numerous requests to speak at career fairs and information sessions throughout the year. In an effort to maximize resources, and get timely updates to all academia stakeholders, we leverage technology to deliver details about the program. If you are interested in connecting with us on an opportunity, please email us at
To support your efforts in educating graduate students about the program, an annual academia stakeholder meeting is conducted via a webinar and/or conference line to brief academic institutions about the program and upcoming application timelines. We also provide marketing and outreach materials for school usage. We maintain a PMFCampus listserv consisting of academia subscribers and we also partner with several affinity organizations. Depending on other OPM initiatives, we may visit select schools and/or attend regional conferences to address as many schools as possible.
2. How can I be kept informed of new developments in the PMF Program?
The subscriber list has been deactivated due to the termination of the PMF Program.
3. Can colleges and universities post the PMF application on their job sites?
Once the annual PMF application period is announced, colleges and universities may post dates and information to their job site. And once the application launches on USAJOBS, colleges and universities may post the USAJOBS link to the announcement on their school job site. Eligible applicants must follow the PMF Program's official announcement instructions to apply. The official announcement will be posted to USAJOBS (, with the keywords "Presidential Management Fellows", along with a direct link on the PMF website when the application period launches.
4. Which degree/disciplines will be most relevant or required?
The PMF Program is open to all accredited advanced degree students. The advanced degree from an accredited academic institution typically makes the Finalist eligible for the GS-09 grade/pay level. It does not necessarily mean the Finalists must appoint into a position directly related to their degree. However, some positions have positive education requirements where the Finalists must meet certain education requirements. Advanced Degree means a professional or graduate degree (e.g., master's, Ph.D., J.D.).
5. When is the application period?
Typically, the application launches annually in the fall. Information about the annual PMF application, and any known dates, can be found under the Become a PMF webpage. The annual PMF application correlates with the Federal Government's fiscal year. Look for the current/upcoming "202x Application" webpage under Become a PMF.
6. Who is eligible to apply?
Students who will meet all graduate degree requirements (even though awaiting graduation), including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, during the academic year (as identified under the Become A PMF\Application Process webpage), are eligible to apply. Additional information about eligibility can be found under the Become a PMF\Eligibility webpage.
Also, those who have obtained an advance degree from a qualifying college or university within 2 (two) years prior to the opening date of the announcement are eligible to apply.
More information can be found under the Become A PMF\Application Process webpage.
7. Are current Finalists eligible to compete for the next PMF application cycle?
Yes, if the Finalist meets eligibility requirements. However, if a current Finalist initiates an application and the online assessment to the next class, his/her current status as a Finalist will be forfeited.
8. Are there opportunities for recent law graduates?
The PMF Program is open to all advanced degrees, including J.D.'s. However, attorney positions in the Federal Government are hired under different appointing authorities and regulations. Additional information can be found under the Become a PMF\Eligibility\Attorneys webpage.
9. What documents are required for the PMF application?
All applicants are required to submit a resume and an advanced degree transcript (and/or alternative). Additional information about these documents can be found under the Become A PMF\Application Process\Application Tips webpage and the PMF Applicant Handbook found under the Become a PMF\Resources webpage.
Applicants have the option to submit an undergraduate degree transcript.
Applicants who claim veterans' preference and/or reasonable accommodations for the assessment process are required to submit supporting documentation; information about these can be found under the Become a PMF webpage.
10. Where can I find a general overview, application instructions, the timeline, and tips for our students?
Information on eligibility requirements, application process, timelines, and tips can all be found under the Become A PMF webpage and various resources for applicants. General information and resources specific to academia can be found under the Academia\Resources webpage.
11. How will the timeline and application requirements differ from previous years?
Information about eligibility, how to apply, and dates can be found under the Become a PMF webpage. In addition, tips for applicants can be found under the Become a PMF\Application Process\Application Tips webpage.
The annual PMF application is typically conducted in the Fall. Information about the application and assessment process, including any changes, can be found under the Become a PMF webpage.
Additional updates may be posted under the News & Events section.
12. What will be the components of the assessment process?
During the application process, applicants will be asked to complete an online assessment consisting of multiple parts.
Additional information explaining the online assessment, competencies assessed, and the PMF Applicant Handbook, can be found under the Become a PMF\Resources webpage.
13. Are there materials provided to students to prepare them for the application and assessment process?
Yes. Applicants should thoroughly review the Become A PMF webpage (including all the Frequently Asked Questions) and the announcement when the application launches. A PMF Applicant Handbook is also available to applicants, posted under the Become a PMF\Resources webpage when ready.
14. Will OPM provide information about the total number of applicants and names of Finalists?
We will provide this information online when available.
15. How do Finalists learn about possible Federal agency PMF appointment opportunities? Where are the positions located?
Participating Federal agencies post available PMF appointment opportunities to an online job bank, part of the PMF TMS (Talent Management System). Finalists will be instructed to log into the Apply Site of the PMF TMS, via their applicant user account, and search for available PMF appointment opportunities.
While PMFs may be placed across the country in regional offices, a large number of PMF appointments are located at agency headquarters in the Washington, DC metro area (otherwise referred to as the "DMV" for the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia).
16. What efforts has the PMF Program taken towards enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility?
To see highlights of our efforts, please review "Our DEIA Efforts" section under the About Us webpage.
17. How would a lapse in funding (shutdown furlough) impact the PMF Program?
A lapse in funding (otherwise known as a shutdown furlough) occurs when there is lapse in annual appropriates for the Federal Government. Shutdown furloughs can occur at the beginning of a fiscal year, if no funds have been appropriated for that year, or upon expiration of a continuing resolution, if a new continuing resolution or appropriations law is not passed. In a shutdown furlough, an affected agency would have to shut down any activities funded by annual appropriations that are not excepted by law. Some agency functions have alternative funding sources and, as a result, are not directly affected by a lapse in annual appropriations. Employees performing those functions will generally continue to be governed by the normal pay, leave, and other civil service rules.
The PMF Program Office is not impacted by a shutdown furlough as it is a revolving fund program and exempt.
See below for general PMF Program guidance for those impacted by a lapse of federal funding. Always defer to your home agency guidance for specific questions.
- Agency Personnel: May pause their duties until work resumes, based on individual agency contingency plans.
- PMF Supervisors: Consult their HR Office for guidance.
- Fellows: (1) consult their Supervisor, (2) pause their participation in any PMF LDP (Leadership Development Program) activities, (3) pause their work in completing program training and developmental requirements, (4) consult their Supervisor, Agency PMF Coordinator, and/or HR Office for any impact to rotations, et al.
- Applicants/Semi-Finalists: The PMF Program Office will continuing reviewing and processing all Applicants and Semi-Finalists. If any impact occurs to Semi-Finalists scheduling or participating structured interviews participation, they will be directly informed by the PMF Program Office.
- Finalists: May continue to apply to appointment opportunities. A shutdown does not impact the entire Federal Government. Many agencies will continue to process appointment opportunities. The appointment eligibility period of 12 months will not be extended.
Upon resumption of funding, program participants program requirements will adjust accordingly. The PMF Program Office will inform Fellows participating in program-sponsored activities (e.g., the PMF LDP) directly of additional information and changes.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides “Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs” for Federal agencies and employees reference. The OPM guidance can be found at In addition, each Federal agency issues their own guidance to their employees.
UPDATED: 03-20-2025