Publicizing PMF on Campus

Information given to students about the PMF Program should contain:
1. Sample Campus Recruitment Language
The following is sample language colleges and universities may want to use in marketing the PMF Program to their graduate students:
Seeking Graduate Students for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program
Since 1977 the PMF Program has matched outstanding graduate students with exciting Federal opportunities.
This rigorous, two-year paid fellowship includes challenging assignments, developmental assignments, and networking opportunities. Finalists appointed as PMFs are hired by Federal agencies to engage in solving domestic and/or international issues in a variety of fields, such as public policy, public health, international affairs, business administration, STEM, cybersecurity, and more.
The PMF Program seeks eligible graduate students every year who want to make a difference through public service.
The selection process for the Presidential Management Fellows Program consists of the following:
- Application
- Assessment Process
- Finalist Selection
- Agency Placement as a Fellow
More information about application, assessment, and selection process is available under the “Become a PMF” section on the PMF website, at
2. Flyers for Academic Institutions
The PMF Program Office has prepared flyers for colleges and universities to use in publicizing the PMF Program at their schools. The flyers identify degrees and disciplines Federal agencies have the most need for. These can be found under the Resources section.
Please note the use of the PMF Program logo containing the Presidential Seal is heavily restricted. Any official and approved Program material containing the logo must be printed in full-color.
3. Information Sessions for Graduate Students
Academia interested in hosting information sessions on the PMF Program for their graduate students should refer to the documents available under the Resources section for academia.
During the months of August/September, the PMF Program Office generally hosts 1-2 informational webinars for potential applicants ahead of the application launch. The informational webinars provide a general overview of the PMF Program, details about the application and assessment process, and if time permits, allow for any questions. These webinars are not recorded for later publishing or viewing. More information about these sessions can be found under the News & Events and Become a PMF section (for the most current application year (e.g., "202x Application" webpage)), when available.
4. Networking with Current PMFs/Alumni
The PMF Ambassadors Program is an active volunteer network of current PMFs and PMF Alumni who support PMF recruitment and outreach activities. Those who express interest and are selected as ambassadors are placed on a roster ahead of the annual application cycle and remain on that roster for approximately one year. The PMF Program Office works closely with ambassadors and draws on this roster to match them with relevant opportunities to support PMF recruitment/outreach. These opportunities may include participating in career fairs/information sessions, speaking on career panels, supporting Handshake efforts, or serving as mentors/guides for prospective applicants. Ambassadors are also provided with resources and training from the PMF Program Office in case they would like to conduct their own outreach activities. Learn more about the PMF Ambassadors.
If you are interested in connecting with a PMF Ambassador, please reference the PMF Ambassadors Directory found under the above webpage.
Visit the next section on Getting Info.
UPDATED: 03-20-2025