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An Official Web Site of the United States Government


Agency Responsibilities

Individuals sitting around a table with different colors of speech bubbles arising to represent conversation.

Agency PMF Advisory Board

The purpose of the Agency PMF Advisory Board (Advisory Board) is to help represent all agency PMF stakeholders governmentwide as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in advising the PMF Program Office. Members of the Advisory Board embody the commitment by agency stakeholders and PMF Program Office Staff to help develop an innovative, collaborative, and engaged work environment where all will feel encouraged to contribute and participate in the success of the PMF Program. The PMF Program Office encourages open, respectful dialogues around any topic that will help deliver on that commitment. 

The Advisory Board's core functions are to:

  • Serve as a liaison for the PMF Program Office to represent the interests of their associated agency stakeholders and governmentwide,
  • Communicate and collaborate with other stakeholders to solicit feedback,
  • Identify best practices and assist in the development of new offerings,
  • Raise topics of concern for agency stakeholders participating in the PMF Program and come up with effective solutions, and
  • Support training, mentoring, and other events for agency stakeholders that the Advisory Board or the PMF Program Office may sponsor.

Becoming an Advisory Board Member:  Board members may consist of a variety of agency stakeholders, including Agency PMF Coordinators, Hiring Managers, Supervisors, HR Staff, Pathways Programs Officers, current PMFs, and PMF Alumni. Those interested in serving on the board can contact the PMF Program Office via email at with the subject “Advisory Board," and the PMF Program’s Agency Liaison will be in contact.

UPDATED:  01-23-2025