Agency Responsibilities
PMF Hiring Official\Supervisor
PMF Hiring Officials and Supervisors play a critical role in the PMF Program and directly impact the overall experience for their PMFs by providing developmental opportunities and meaningful work. The Program is designed and intended to develop future government leaders, and as such, is an excellent option for agency workforce and succession planning. Supervisors may need to consult with their Pathways Programs Officer, Agency PMF Coordinator, and HR Office for guidance and assistance in adhering to PMF Program requirements and work with HR staff for the on-boarding process.
Supervisor Orientation:
The PMF Program Office revamped the Orientation Program for program stakeholders based on feedback from current Fellows, supervisors, and Agency PMF Coordinators. Specifically, during the Fellow’s onboarding, the Fellow is asked to download the “PMF Participant Handbook” and engage with their Supervisor and Agency PMF Coordinator and sign an acknowledgement receipt. The Fellow is instructed to upload the acknowledgement receipt to associate to their user account on the PMF TMS. Both the Fellow and the Agency PMF Coordinator can access the acknowledgement receipt as proof of completion.
This process is optional and highly encouraged. Doing so is in the interest of all parties and establishes expectations in meeting program requirements. Additional information can be found on the Orientation webpage for Fellows.
In addition, a “PMF Supervisor Checklist” has been created and posted under the Resources webpage to assist PMF Supervisor in managing their Fellows at their agency.
New PMF Hiring Officials and Supervisors may familiarize themselves with the Agencies section of the PMF website, including how to Find Candidates, Resources, and FAQs.
Hiring Officials and Supervisors should contact the designated Agency PMF Coordinator for their agency.
Hiring Official\Supervisor responsibilities include:
- Work with the Agency PMF Coordinator to advertise PMF appointment opportunities in the PMF TMS (Talent Management System).
- Recruit Finalists for PMF positions by posting appointment opportunities and interviewing Finalists. Finalists have a 12 month appointment eligibility period to accept and start a PMF appointment.
- Assign PMFs to specific positions with defined duties and career ladders.
- Ensure a Pathways PMF Program Participant Agreement has been completed.
- Engage with Fellow and Agency PMF Coordinator to review and acknowledge the PMF Participant Handbook (posted under the Resources section); this supplements the PMF Program Office’s Orientation for Fellows.
- Work with your Agency PMF Coordinator and finance office to submit the PMF reimbursement fee to the PMF Program Office within 30 days after a Finalist has accepted a tentative PMF appointment offer. The fee covers the recruitment, assessment, selection, and placement of Finalists into PMF appointments; PMF Program Office operations and support to stakeholders; various training and developmental opportunities for stakeholders; and, the PMF website and automated systems.
- Assist with the assignment of a Mentor (a managerial employee outside the Fellow's chain of command) within 90 days of the PMF onboarding.
- Develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) with the Fellow (within 45 days of onboarding) that addresses the target position, developmental requirements, and recommended activities. Supervisors may need to consult with the PMF's Mentor.
- Provide at least 80 hours of formal interactive training during each year of the fellowship. Tuition for PMF Program Office sponsored forums and training webinars are included in the placement fee and may be counted towards the 80 hours of annual training. Agencies bear the costs of travel and per diem for these events, as well as tuition and costs for additional outside training and development.
- Provide PMFs with at least one 4-6 month developmental assignment.
- Provide a reasonable amount of time during work hours for other PMF activities, as appropriate, such as PMF Forums and/or optional rotational opportunities of 1 to 6 months in other occupations or functional areas.
- Establish a performance plan and annual evaluation for each PMF with performance elements and standards for the competencies expected and for duties assigned.
- Provide input to the agency's Executive Resources Board (or equivalent) as needed to evaluate the PMF's progress and certify whether the Fellow has successfully completed the Program.
A copy of the Pathways Programs regulations, along with other agency resources, can be found under the Agencies\Resources webpage.
UPDATED: 03-20-2025