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An Official Web Site of the United States Government


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Current Finalists

Participating Federal agencies may recruit Finalists using the Pathways Programs Schedule D Hiring Authority within the Executive Branch. Participating Federal agencies must have a Pathways MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between their agency and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Agencies may choose to participate in one or all Pathways Programs. Inquiries about the Pathways MOU and Pathways Programs in general can be sent via email to

Agencies in the excepted service or outside of the Executive Branch may enter into a PMF Program MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) directly with the OPM's PMF Program Office. Inquiries about the PMF Program MOA can be sent via email to In addition, see "How an Excepted Service Agency Participates in the PMF Program" referenced below.

If an agency participates in the PMF Program, it must designate an Agency PMF Coordinator (see Agency Responsibilities for details).

Once the PMF Program Office announces Finalists, agencies must post appointment opportunities on the PMF TMS (Talent Management System) to recruit for PMF appointments. Information about posting appointment opportunities and how your agency participates should be directed to your Agency PMF Coordinator.

The following can be found under the Agencies\Resources webpage:

  1. "How an Excepted Service Agency Participates in the PMF Program"
  2. "PMF TMS Appointment Opportunity Template for Agencies"
  3. "PMF TMS Rotational Opportunity Template for Agencies"
  4. "PMF Reimbursement Process for Agencies"
  5. Financial Forms (e.g., Interagency Agreement and Funding Document)
  6. And a series of PMF-related forms for the training and development of Fellows

Your agency may have additional policies, procedures, and forms to use in regards to the PMF Program; please contact your Agency PMF Coordinator for any questions.

Finalists have up to 12 months from selection to accept and start an appointment as a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF); this is referred to as the appointment eligibility period.

A sortable list of Finalists is available by going to the Apply Site at and clicking on the "Finalists" button, or click the following: The list can be sorted by class year, name, academic institution (issuing the advanced degree), advanced degree, and status. To see where Finalists have either accepted or started a PMF appointment, click on the "Appointed" tab.

UPDATED:  11-02-2020