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An Official Web Site of the United States Government



PMF Talent Management System (PMF TMS)

The PMF TMS consists of two sites:  (1) the Apply Site, is used by program participants (e.g., Applicants, Finalists, Fellows, and Alumni), and (2) the Portal Site, is used by the PMF Program Office and registered agency users as the back-end system.

The PMF Program Office will create user accounts for agency personnel at the headquarters-level serving in the role as Agency-wide PMF Coordinators. Agency-wide PMF Coordinators can create user accounts for Sub-Agency PMF Coordinators, Agency Human Resources (HR) Staff, and Agency Hiring Officials. All Agency PMF Coordinators can manage their Fellows, within their assigned agency, from appointment through conversion. Operational actions are conducted by logging into the PMF TMS:

Below is a description of the PMF TMS modules and agency user roles:

  • User Management Module:  This is the module where Agency-wide PMF Coordinators create and edit user accounts, reset passwords, and deactivate agency users. Agency-wide PMF Coordinators have access to all sub-agencies within the agency, if applicable. Sub-Agency PMF Coordinators may also create Agency HR Staff and Agency Hiring Official users associated to their sub-agency. There are three roles in the PMF TMS with different levels of permissions and access:
    • Agency PMF Coordinator - Agency-wide PMF Coordinators create user accounts at all levels within their agency and the Sub-Agency PMF Coordinator accounts. Sub-Agency PMF Coordinators may create Agency HR Staff and Agency Hiring Official accounts. Agency PMF Coordinators have the ability to search, view, and print Finalist' resumes; post opportunities; appoint Finalists; update appointment information; record status changes; manage PMF financial transactions; query reports; and, monitor workforce planning statistics. Agency-wide PMF Coordinators can also access all sub-agency records and perform tasks on behalf of Sub-Agency PMF Coordinators when needed.
    • Agency HR Staff - The Agency HR Staff is a role in the PMF TMS but does not need to be someone in an HR office. This role can create and post appointment, rotational, or training opportunities on behalf of the agency/sub-agency associated to; search, view, and print Finalists' application documents; and, record initial PMF appointments via the Apply Now feature within appointment opportunities.
    • Agency Hiring Official - The Agency Hiring Official role is for individuals (e.g., hiring officials) who only need to search, view, and print Finalists' application documents.
  • Recruitment Module:  This is the module where Agency PMF Coordinators and Agency HR Staff users can post and manage appointment opportunities; search and view Finalists; access the Explore Screen; and, manage their Agency Profile Page.
    • Explore Screen\Agency Profile Page: The Explore Screen is where Finalists can view each participating agency’s profile page. The Agency Profile Page is where agencies can identify their website address, provide agency information (e.g., general agency information, mission statement, their participation in the PMF Program, testimonials from PMFs, embed videos, etc.), add resources (e.g., agency brochures, flyers, slides, fact sheets, etc.), automatic insertion of any live appointment and/or training opportunities, automatic insertion of all Agency PMF Coordinators, and see the number of page views by Finalists.
  • Fellows Module:  This is the module where Agency PMF Coordinators and Agency HR Staff users can manage their Fellows (including PMF Alumni), to include any status changes and financial transactions. Users can also monitor any active interagency agreements related to payment of the one-time placement fee for each initial PMF appointment.
  • Training & Development Module:  This is the module where Agency PMF Coordinators and Agency HR Staff users can post and manage rotational and/or training opportunities.
  • Performance & Evaluation Module:  This is the module where Agency PMF Coordinators can query various reports and monitor Workforce Planning Statistics.
  • Resources:  This section of the Portal Home screen provides various resources for all registered agency users to access.

UPDATED:  10-09-2020