Current PMFs
Owning Your Experience

NOTICE: On February 19, the White House issued an Executive Order, Commencing the Reduction of the Federal Government, which directs the termination of the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program. PMF Program shutdown activities are underway including cancellation of previously scheduled events and the PMF Class of 2025 application. The PMF TMS (Talent Management System) will be decommissioned after Friday, March 21, 2025.
While there are many developmental opportunities afforded you during your two year fellowship, the primary task of each PMF is to claim ownership for your learning, career development, and advancement. Some ways to do this are offered below:
You must work closely with your Agency PMF Coordinator, supervisor, and mentor, to ensure that you are on track for the agency's Executive Review Board (ERB) review at the end of your fellowship journey. At the end of the 2-year journey, the agency's ERB will review your progress and certify that all PMF Program requirements were successfully completed. If favorably ERB certified, the agency may convert without further competition to a term or permanent position. This must be done within the allotted time frame allowed by PMF regulations.
Agency PMF Coordinators, supervisors, and mentors should be familiar with their agency's ERB requirements and any additional guidelines you must follow for successful certification. Please work closely with your agency to ensure all is completed on time. Fellows can only convert at the agency where they obtained ERB certification.
Your growth as a PMF includes the following:
- An Individual Development Plan (IDP) that outlines the training and development plans.
- At least 80 hours per year of formal interactive training, for a minimum total of 160 hours during the fellowship.
- A minimum of one 4 to 6 month developmental assignment in the occupation or functional discipline in which you are most likely to be placed, with full-time management and/or technical responsibilities consistent with your IDP.
- An annual performance plan as well as an annual performance evaluation in accordance with the agency's rules.
- Participate in OPM/PMF Program and agency-sponsored career development activities to support and to enhance your career goals.
- Active participation in PMF training opportunities and accept leadership roles whenever possible.
- Rotational opportunities with consideration to short and long range career goals.
- Networking with other Fellows.
UPDATED: 03-20-2025