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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

Current PMFs

Owning Your Experience


Effective 06/2021, the PMF Program Office has revamped its Orientation Program for Fellows.

To promote engagement between Fellows, PMF Supervisors, and Agency PMF Coordinators, a “PMF Participant Handbook” has been created; which can be found under the Resources webpage to download. The parties are asked to review the Handbook to familiarize themselves with the program requirements, the PMF Fellowship Timeline, and sign an acknowledgement receipt at the end.

More specifically, Fellows should complete the following:

  1. During a Fellow’s onboarding (e.g., starting their 2-year fellowship), the Fellow would:
    1. Participate and complete their agency’s orientation program, and
    2. Download the “PMF Participant Handbook” and engage with their Supervisor and Agency PMF Coordinator.
  2. At the back of the Handbook is an Acknowledgement Receipt where all parties are asked to sign.
    1. Electronic signatures are acceptable and preferred.
  3. The Fellow would upload a copy of the Acknowledgement Receipt via their user account on the Apply Site under the “Manage Personal Info\Acknowledgement Receipt” section.
  4. Both the Fellow and Agency PMF Coordinator can view the upload as proof of completion.
    1. NOTE: This is where Fellows and Coordinators can confirm completion. The PMF Program Office will no longer provide emails or letters of proof.
  5. The Fellow should document completion of the Orientation Program for Fellows and the 1-hour of training on their IDP (Individual Development Plan).

Engaging and acknowledging the “PMF Participant Handbook” is optional; however, it is in the interest of all parties to complete and complete early in the Fellow’s onboarding.

If a Fellow transfers to a different PMF position/agency or is assigned a new Supervisor, he/she must repeat the above steps. This ensures all parties are aware of the program requirements and establishes expectations.

Prior to a Finalist onboarding as a Fellow, the PMF Program Office hosts a number of informational webinars to prepare Finalists, including general program requirements and next steps. During these webinars, the PMF Program Office informs Finalists to view the “Current PMFs” section on the PMF website, including the Orientation Program for Fellows. Upon the recording of a Finalist’s appointment as a Fellow, an automated congratulatory email is sent and includes reference to the Orientation Program for Fellows and the “PMF Participant Handbook”.

Fellows may also participate in Office Hours to ask the PMF Program Office any program-related questions. Fellows are strongly encouraged to participate in the PMF Leadership Development Program and should consult with their Supervisor and Agency PMF Coordinator on their eligibility and level of participation.

The Fellow may engage with their Mentor in reviewing the “PMF Participant Handbook” when discussing their training and development, career goals, and professional guidance.

The hiring agency may require Fellows to attend a mandatory or secondary new employee orientation at their agency that may be separate and apart from the "PMF Participant Handbook" above.

Review the next section regarding Training and Development for Fellows.

UPDATED:  03-20-2025