Current PMFs
Training and Development

NOTICE: On February 19, the White House issued an Executive Order, Commencing the Reduction of the Federal Government, which directs the termination of the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program. PMF Program shutdown activities are underway including cancellation of previously scheduled events and the PMF Class of 2025 application. The PMF TMS (Talent Management System) will be decommissioned after Friday, March 21, 2025.
Training is a fundamental part of the PMF Program. At a minimum, you are required to have at least 80 hours of formal interactive training each year during your fellowship and to have completed one 4 to 6 month developmental assignment.
Your 80 hours of formal interactive training should be tailored to the specific learning objectives that will qualify you for the target position at the end of the PMF fellowship. This training may address both functional/technical and leadership competencies. On the job training (OJT) does NOT fulfill the formal interactive training requirement.
During the first 3 months of the fellowship, you and your supervisor should work together to develop a written outline of core competencies and technical skills to include in an Individual Development Plan (IDP). You are expected to gain these core competencies and skills before conversion to a target position. Your Agency PMF Coordinator and/or Mentor may be consulted.
As with all Federal Government employees, you should have a performance plan that includes performance elements and standards directly related to acquiring and demonstrating the various leadership, technical and/or general competencies expected of a Fellow as well as elements and standards established for the duties assigned.
You should also receive an annual performance evaluation in accordance with the agency's performance management program. The rating is derived from an evaluation of your success in completing developmental activities designed to prepare you to meet the development and performance expectations described in the performance plan.
Your IDP is an important tool in relation to your performance plan and annual performance evaluation. See the Individual Development Plan webpage for more information about the IDP and an optional IDP form for Fellows to use at their agencies.
You are required to complete at least one 4 to 6 month developmental assignment in the occupation or functional discipline in which you will most likely be placed, with full-time management and/or technical responsibilities consistent with your IDP. The developmental assignment should be included on the Fellow's IDP. You and your supervisor should identify the developmental assignment early in the fellowship. You and your supervisor are encouraged to review the Rotational Opportunities webpage for possible assignments that may meet the requirements. This webpage provides additional information regarding developmental assignments and optional rotations.
You may identify training opportunities provided by a number of resources included on the IDP. Training resources specifically for Fellows can be found under the Training webpage.
The PMF Talent Management System (TMS) that Applicants, Finalists, Fellows, and Alumni use, includes an Events Management System (EMS). This module enables the PMF Program Office to solicit and manage events specific to program participants. We use this module to advertise events such as Informational Webinars, Agency Meet and Greets, training and development, etc. The EMS will include some past events for current Fellows (e.g., past Orientation Webinars and PMF Leadership Development Program (LDP) activities).
UPDATED: 03-20-2025