Current PMFs
Training and Development

Fellows must complete all program requirements during their 2-year fellowship (see Owning Your Experience). Towards the end of their fellowship, the PMF must receive a decision from their agency’s Executive Resources Board (ERB), or equivalent, in order to certify the Fellow has successfully completed all requirements, including the performance and developmental expectations set forth in the individual's performance plan and Individual Development Plan and Other documentation (e.g., developmental assignment evaluations, training certificates, etc.). Agencies have the option to certify and convert their Fellows.
The ERB is comprised of the agency’s senior executives who are responsible for decisions on hiring, developing, work assignments, performance evaluations, and compensation for other executives in the agency. If the agency does not have an ERB, then the senior agency official or officials who have been given responsibility for executive resources management and oversight by the agency head.
The Fellow’s agency may have additional program requirements and the Fellow should consult with their Agency PMF Coordinator. The ERB may also consult with the Fellow’s supervisor and mentor in reaching its determination. This process is referred to as “Certification” and is covered in 5 CFR §362.405(d).
Fellows, their Supervisors, and Agency PMF Coordinators may want to review their PMF Participant Agreement to review requirements for continuation and successful completion of the Program, and eligibility requirements for noncompetitive conversion.
A favorable certification is what leads to a noncompetitive conversion to a term or permanent position and is covered in 5 CFR §362.409 and §362.107(c)(2).
An automated email is programmed in the PMF TMS (Talent Management System) to notify the Fellow, Supervisor, and Agency PMF Coordinator, via their work email addresses, approximately 90 days prior to the Fellow’s 2-year anniversary date to start preparations for the certification process.
Agencies must establish their own policies and procedures for the certification process. Typically, a certification package would include the following:
- a recommendation from the Fellow's Supervisor,
- a copy of the Fellow's IDP (Individual Development Plan) that shows all training and development,
- a copy of the Fellow's past performance appraisals, and
- any other agency requirements.
Agencies may use the optional OPM Form 1303, PMF Executive Resources Board (ERB) Certification Form. This form can be found under the Agencies\Resources section on the PMF website.
In addition, please review the PMF Fellowship Timeline, found under the Current PMFs\Resources section on the PMF website.
If the ERB decision is unfavorable, the Fellow may request reconsideration of that determination by the OPM Director (via the PMF Program Office). Such reconsideration must be requested in writing, with appropriate documentation and justification, within 15 calendar days of the date of the agency's decision. The Director's decision on reconsideration is not subject to appeal. The Fellow may continue in the Program pending the outcome of his or her request for reconsideration. The agency must continue to provide appropriate developmental activities during this period.
An agency may extend a Fellow’s appointment for up to 120 days for rare and unusual circumstances. Fellows should consult with their Agency PMF Coordinator on when it would be appropriate and how to request a fellowship extension.
Agencies do not need to send certification documents to the PMF Program Office. Instead, Agency PMF Coordinators are responsible for recording the ERB results in the PMF TMS. A Fellow’s certification results must be recorded before recording any conversion results.
The deadline for an ERB to certify that a Fellow has successfully completed all program requirements is 30 days prior to the Fellow’s 2-year anniversary date. The ERB certification is required prior to conversion.
Once a Fellow receives a favorable certification and the results recorded in the PMF TMS, that Fellow will (1) instantly be eligible to participate in the Graduation Ceremony (or request a certificate), and (2) instantly becomes a member of the PMF alumni community.
For additional information on PMF Alumni, please visit our Alumni webpage. And for a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) specific to Fellows, please visit our Current PMFs\FAQs webpage.
Visit the next section to view information on Conversion.
AS OF: 08-01-2022