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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

Current PMFs

Training and Development

PMF Leadership Development Program Overview

The Presidential Management Fellow’s Leadership Development Program (PMF LDP) is an immersive, cohort-based leadership training designed to develop Fellows as future federal leaders. Blending the competencies needed to succeed in the public sector with adult learning best practices, human-centered design, interactive activities, and skill application, Fellows will gain an understanding of leading in the Federal government, build their network, and develop Executive Core Qualification (ECQ)-aligned strategies to apply in their roles and help them lead. The twelve-month program is ideally initiated during the Fellow’s first year of their fellowship.

Program Structure and Learning Journey:

The PMF LDP is a one-year, hybrid program designed to equip Fellows with knowledge and skills immediately applicable in their teams and agencies. Designed and facilitated by leadership and development experts at the Office of Personnel Management’s Center for Leadership Development, the program integrates essential leadership principles and competencies with advanced concepts of leading change.

The PMF LDP learning journey includes:

  • Foundation Setting: Three-day in-person session focused on federal and personal leadership foundations (Washington, DC).
  • Competency Sessions: Monthly virtual three-hour competency sessions and applied learning sessions. Designed to understand and strengthen core competencies of the OPM Leadership Journey Map (Virtual).
  • Mid-Point Check-In: One (1) virtual three-hour program- and self-evaluation session for progression and continuous improvement (Virtual).
  • Applied Learning: Applied learning synchronous and self-paced (asynchronous) sessions (Virtual).
  • Capstone: Three-day in-person session focused on solidifying learning, takeaways, and evaluation (Washington, DC)

Fellows incorporate their PMF LDP leadership goals into their Individual Development Plans for continual learning in partnership with their supervisors and Agency PMF Coordinators.

The PMF LDP aligns with the following Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) competencies:

  • Fundamental: Interpersonal Skills, Integrity/Honesty, Continual Learning, Public Service Motivation
  • Leading People: Managing Conflict, Developing Others, Building Teams
  • Leading Change: External Awareness, Agility, Creativity/Innovation, Resilience, Strategic Thinking, Vision
  • Driving Results: Accountability, Customer Service, Problem Solving,
  • Building Coalitions: Partnering

To view a list of competencies associated with the ECQs, visit 

Training Hours

The PMF LDP typically covers more than half of a Fellow’s required training hours. Fellows may also take external training approved by their home Agency to fulfill their training requirement.

The PMF LDP training hours consist of:

  • Orientation (Virtual) – 1 Hour
  • Pre-work / Assessment (Virtual) – 1 Hour
  • Kickoff (In-Person, Washington, DC) – 24 Hours
  • Competency Sessions, including applied learning self-paced work (Virtual) – 50+ Hours
  • Midpoint Session, inclusive of self-paced work (Virtual) – 4 Hours
  • Capstone Session (In-Person, Washington, DC) – 16+ Hours

*Hours listed are for planning purposes and subject to change. Actual instructional hours may vary and based on level of participation.

Fellows will receive Certificates of Completion documenting participation time in the program. Fellows are issued one Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the PMF LDP. Fellows will be issued separate certificates for each additional activity (Lunch and Learn, etc.) they attend. Fellows can access Certificates in the Apply Site of the PMF TMS by viewing “Events/Events History”.

Requirements to Participate in the PMF LDP

All PMFs have access to the PMF Leadership Development Program (LDP) as an included in the one-time placement fee submitted by hiring agencies to the PMF Program Office, with no additional tuition costs. Travel may be required for in-person sessions and costs are the responsibility of the Fellow’s Agency.

  • Participation is at the discretion of the Fellow's agency and Supervisor
  • Fellows must be onboard and have a federal work email address to participate
  • The appointing agency must have paid the one-time placement fee

Special Considerations:

  • Finalists who have been recorded as appointed may register in advance if registration is open and will be onboarded prior to the start of the program. Review and upload a signed copy of the PMF LDP Participant Agreement (OPM Form 1310) to the PMF TMS via the Apply Site user account.
  • Host agencies for developmental assignments and rotations are required to allow Fellows to continue their participation in the PMF LDP once started, with exceptions for rare and unusual circumstances such as overseas travel.
  • Fellows must keep contact information current. Initial PMF LDP communications are sent to the Fellow's personal and work email addresses. It is the Fellow’s responsibility to notify their Agency PMF Coordinator of any updates in the PMF TMS and to monitor their work email from their employing agency for communications. Temporary changes to a Fellow’s work email address during developmental assignments or rotations are not possible.

Registration and Process Notifications

Fellows will receive automated email notifications via the PMF TMS when events are posted, with details and registration handled through the Events Management System.

  • Notifications will be sent to both work and personal email addresses on record.
  • Fellows can check and update their email preferences by logging into their Apply Site user account and going to “Manage Documents and Personal Info”.
  • The PMF Program Office will validate registrations and send confirmation emails prior to events, with waitlisting possible if onboarding isn't complete, fees are outstanding, and/or events are full.
  • Supervisory approval is mandatory before registration, and each agency may have different policies.
  • Participation should be tracked on the Individual Development Plan (IDP), and Certificates of Completion will be issued either at the event's conclusion or annually.
  • Tracking of registrations and completion hours occurs in the Events Management System, where certificates can also be printed. Agency PMF Coordinators have access to a Fellow’s Events History and Certificates.

Information for Fellows Already Participating in the PMF LDP

The new one-year PMF LDP model described above begins February 2025. It is open to those Fellows who have not already participated in the PMF LDP. Fellows who have already completed or are currently enrolled in the PMF LDP Year 1 Leading Self program have alternate training options for FY25. Alternate options will be provided to such Fellows directly.  

Lunch and Learn

The PMF Program Office sponsors lunch and learn events throughout the year. These events are open to ALL Fellows regardless of class year and are optional. These sessions will focus on topics of professional interest to a wide range of Fellows. Topics will include those identified by Fellows, supervisors, and Agency PMF Coordinators. These sessions may be attended and counted for training hours with permission of your supervisor. It is recommended that Fellows document their participation on their IDP. Sessions will last between 1-2 hours each. Please contact with recommended topics and guest speakers.

Learning and Engagement Opportunity Digest

A Learning and Engagement Opportunity Digest is sent out to Fellows monthly outlining upcoming PMF Program Office sponsored training as well as external training that may be relevant. External training opportunities are provided for informational purposes. Fellows must check with their supervisor and/or Agency PMF Coordinator to ensure that training will count towards required training hours. Fellows should document such participation on their IDP (Individual Development Plan). Agency PMF Coordinators and Supervisors also receive the Digest.


Please see the PMF LDP FAQs for additional information and the OPM Form 1320 (PMF LDP Participant Agreement) under the Current PMFs/Resources webpage.

Send any questions about the PMF LDP to

UPDATED:  03-20-2025