Current PMFs
Training and Development

There are many training opportunities available to Fellows. These opportunities not only provide training but also the chance to network with other Fellows. You are not limited to the opportunities listed below and are encouraged to identify other training opportunities that will help meet your specific needs. Many agencies have learning centers for their employees to obtaining training; check with your supervisor or Agency PMF Coordinator.
Periodically the PMF Program Office provides training opportunities (e.g., Networking Events) and also sponsors the PMF Leadership Development Program (LDP). These opportunities are normally limited in size. The Program Office will announce any training opportunities by sending an email to Fellows and/or posting on the Apply Site of the PMF Talent Management System (TMS). Such training opportunities may count towards the 160-hour requirement of formal, interactive training for the entire fellowship.
Newly appointed Fellows should review the “PMF Participant Handbook” and sign the Acknowledgement Receipt once completed. Upon completion, Fellows may record 1-hour of time towards their training hours. For more information on the “PMF Participant Handbook”, please review the Orientation webpage.
Please keep track of your training on your Individual Development Plans (IDP). You are required to obtain a minimum of 80 hours of formal interactive training each year of your fellowship in order to satisfy the PMF Program's training requirements. Training must address the competencies outlined in your IDP. All Fellows must obtain supervisory approval for all training. Fellows who attend training events sponsored by the PMF Program Office (such as Networking Events and the PMF LDP) should apply those hours towards this requirement.
The determination on whether a training meets program requirements is made by the Fellow's agency and not by the PMF Program Office; Fellows should consult with their Supervisor and Agency PMF Coordinator, including any recordkeeping requirements (e.g., certificates of completion, proof of attendance, SF 182, etc.).
Reference to "formal interactive training" is training that is interactive between the Fellow and the instructor and/or participants. This does not include training that simply provides the Fellow slides he/she reads through (e.g., the typical mandatory training all Federal employees must complete for IT security awareness would not count). Training conducted via webinars or on-line platforms would count as long as participation is interactive between the Fellow and the instructor and/or other participants.
It is the Fellow's responsibility to maintain their IDP in recording any training and development, including any evidence of participation or completion. Fellows should confirm with their Agency PMF Coordinator on what documentation is needed as proof of meeting program requirements, especially when it is time to certify you have met all requirements. Typically the Fellow's Supervisor would sign-off on the IDP to validate the Fellow's training and development entries.
Training Opportunities Sponsored by the Federal Government
U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers many leadership courses at each of its training centers, comprising of the Center for Leadership Development. The list of courses offered at these centers may be found at From the website, Fellows can search for "Presidential Management Fellows (PMF)" under the "Course Types" search function to identify those courses suited for Fellows. The PMF Program Office works closely with the Center for Leadership Development in identifying courses with Fellows in mind.
Federal Executive Boards (FEBs) can be a resource for Fellows located outside of the Washington, DC, metro area. The mission of the FEBs is to create value to the public by fostering communication, coordination and collaboration with Federal, state, and local government agencies. To learn more about the FEBs and their locations, visit the FEB website at
FEBs occasionally sponsor training opportunities that Fellows in the field are eligible to attend. Agencies hiring Fellows in field locations outside the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area, are encouraged to promote interaction among regional Fellows and permit Fellows to attend FEB-sanctioned activities in that region.
The PMF TMS will track the associated FEB location based on the Fellow's Duty Station, if any. OPM headquarters in Washington, DC, covers the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. Regional Fellows may be placed together into teams during PMF Program Office sponsored training and developmental activities (e.g., the PMF Leadership Development Program).
Agencies often sponsor training opportunities through a learning management system. Fellows are encouraged to enroll in their agency's learning management system to identify training opportunities that support the goals and objectives on their Individual Development Plans (IDPs). Although these opportunities are typically limited to agency personnel, often PMFs on rotation are also eligible. Fellows on rotation should check with the Agency PMF Coordinator or the agency learning officer to determine whether or not they are eligible to enroll in the learning management system. Fellows may want to network with other agency Fellows on such opportunities or coordinate a group training event.
UPDATED: 08-01-2022