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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

Success Stories

Michelle Mills: 2013 PMF
The journey has not been linear for me (which makes it fun), I started my PMF journey as a licensed attorney.   More
Tchelet Segev: 2018 PMF
Tchelet never thought her Presidential Management Fellowship would take her up to Alaska after starting her career as a PMF in the Los Angeles area on the U.S. Forest Service's Angeles National Forest.   More
Dominic Babbini: 2017 PMF
The PMF program enabled my transition from academia to the Federal Service where I adapted to the dynamic and evolving environment at Headquarters Air Force - A9, Studies, Analyses, and Assessments in the Pentagon.   More
Kelly Reese: 2018 PMF
Kelly Reese works in the Air Force Strategy Division of the U.S. Air Force.   More
Holland Gormley: 2016 PMF
Holland Gormley is a public affairs specialist with the U.S. Copyright Office at the Library of Congress.   More