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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

Success Stories

John Abrams: 2013 PMF
John became a PMF at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in July of 2013 learning all he could about NIH and the PMF Program at the NIH Training Center in the Office of Human Resources.   More
Andre Castillo: 2010 PMF
In just his third month on the job, Andre Castillo created and led the Department of Veterans Affairs Task Force on Multi-Generational Recruitment and Retention, under the directive of the Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration, John U. Sepúlveda.   More
C. Owen Highfill: 2008 PMF
As a planning analyst, I helped create FHFA's first planning and performance documents, including the Agency Strategic Plan, the annual Agency Performance Plan, and the Performance and Accountability Report.   More
Barbara Heffernan: 1979 PMI
Barbara Heffernan culminated her 30 year federal career in 2009 as the Resource Director, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, Headquarters Department of the Army. Having spent the majority of her career as an Army civilian, Barbara’s passion was to take care of soldiers and their families.   More
Sean O'Keefe: 1978 PMI
Sean O'Keefe (born January 27, 1956) was the Administrator of NASA, leading the space agency from December 2001 to February 2005. His tenure was marked by a mix of triumph and tragedy, ranging from the tremendous success of the Mars Exploration Rovers to the Space Shuttle Columbia accident. Sean was selected as a Presidential Management Intern from the inaugural Class of 1978.   More