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An Official Web Site of the United States Government



Since its creation in 1977 (then called the Presidential Management Intern Program), the Presidential Management Fellows Program has brought over 10,000 individuals into Federal service. The PMF Program Office is currently increasing its efforts to build a more robust alumni network to highlight the valuable contributions of PMF Alumni across the Federal Government and to facilitate greater interaction among alumni, current Fellows, and Finalists. Alumni consists of former (1) Presidential Management Interns (PMIs) who completed their internships and converted to permanent positions, and (2) Presidential Management Fellows (PMFs) who have been certified for successful program completion by their agency’s Executive Resources Board (may or may not have been converted to a permanent position). Alumni who would like to stay up-to-date on important developments or become more actively engaged in supporting the Program may consult the resources below. Some of the resources below are sponsored by a third-party and are listed for information only.

The Official Presidential Management Fellows Alumni LinkedIn Page

The PMF Program has an official LinkedIn page for alumni! To request membership, please go here and click “Request to Join.” Once the PMF Program Office can validate your status as an alum, you will be admitted to the group.

The Presidential Management Alumni Association

The Presidential Management Alumni Association (PMAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to improve, expand, and promote the alumni community as well as the PMF Program.  They are dedicated to supporting alumni excellence and achievement, advocating for the PMF program, and holding up public service as a noble and necessary profession. 

Visit to learn more.  

User Accounts for Alumni on the PMF Talent Management System

Starting with the PMF Class of 2017, the PMF Program Office has developed a Talent Management System (PMF TMS) to initially recruit applicants; manage the annual PMF application and assessment process; track Finalists, Fellows, and Alumni; and manage the overall program. Applicants from the Class of 2017 and forward use the PMF TMS to create their initial user account and maintain throughout their participation. Please read the following based on your class year.

Class of 2010 through 2016 former Fellows have access to the PMF TMS. If you are an alum from these classes, go to the Apply Site of the PMF TMS at and click on the “Forgot Password” link to activate your user account. Once activated, you will be able log into your alumni account.

We are also working to enable former PMIs/PMFs from the Class of 1978 through 2009 to also gain access. Several policies and procedures impact the ability to collect information on previous PMIs or PMFs who are no longer Federal employees. If you are a former PMI/PMF prior to the Class of 2010 and presently a Federal employee, you will soon be able to request access to the PMF TMS. Please monitor this page for updates on how to do so.

Subscriber List for PMF/PMI Alumni

For periodic updates on efforts related to alumni and the PMF Program in general, sign up for our Subscriber List for PMF/PMI Alumni by going to, clicking the "Subscribe" button, and following the instructions. You may unsubscribe at any time by emailing with the subject of "unsubscribe [audience]"; please include the name of the audience you would like to unsubscribe from as part of the subject line.

PMF Ambassadors

Are you interested in supporting the PMF Program’s outreach and recruitment efforts? If so, consider becoming a PMF Ambassador! The PMF Ambassadors Program is a volunteer network of current PMFs and PMF Alumni who are available to engage academic institutions and prospective applicants about the program. The PMF Program Office works closely with PMF Ambassadors, providing them with resources to support outreach efforts and recruitment goals by sharing their first-hand experience with the fellowship. Ambassadors carry out a wide variety of activities, such as conducting information sessions, serving on career panels, hosting brown bags, or serving as mentors for graduate students. At this time, the PMF Ambassadors Program is open only to PMFs and PMF Alumni who are current Federal employees. For more information and to learn how to become a PMF Ambassador, visit Current PMFs\PMF Ambassadors.

UPDATED: 06-21-2023