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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

News & Events

Updates on the Virtual Hiring Fair for PMF Class of 2021 Finalists

Posted on Mar 04 2021 - 00:00

Several updates have recently been made related to the PMF Class of 2021 Finalist Virtual Hiring Fair. The hiring fair will take place on Thursday, March 25 and Friday, March 26, 2021.

Some of the important updates include:

  • The hiring fair will be held from 10:00am to 5:00pm (ET) both days.
  • A list of participating agencies and a schedule for the event will be posted the week of March 15.
  • All participating agencies will be allocated a specific Zoom link for use on the day they are participating (unless the agency opts to use a separate platform). This Zoom link will serve as the agency’s “booth” for the day they are participating and will be posted on their agency profile page. Interviews and conversations with agency representatives will take place within these booths throughout both days of the fair.

We encourage all interested agencies and 2021 Finalists to attend!

Additional hiring fair details for 2021 Finalists will be maintained under the Become a PMF\Find a Job\Hiring Event webpage. For agencies, additional details will be maintained under the Agencies\Find Candidates\Hiring Event webpage.

Please monitor the PMF website and Hiring Event webpage for any additional updates. Thank you.